Many businesses choose to build a mobile app along with a website as it allows them to cover a wide audience of mobile and tablet users. Mobile app is a lot more user friendly than just a mobile versi
on of your website and allows for interaction when offline unlike a website. We offer mobile app development in Melbourne and other areas in Australia to provide your business with a larger audience reach potential. We have a dedicated team of mobile app developers, designers and marketing strategists to ensure that your idea turns into an efficient and user friendly product.
There is a few reasons why you should definitely consider building a mobile app for your business:
- Mobile apps can be used when there is no Internet connection. The user can still interact with the content and features of the mobile app and once the Internet connection is back the usage data will be synched.
- Mobile app design is built to fit the mobile screens – unlike the websites that are primarily built to fit the desktop screen. Mobile app design is perfect for a mobile device by definition. In 2017, there is about 17 million active mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) in Australia and each of them uses mobile apps – this is a huge market to capture.
- Unlike with websites, once they’ve dowloaded your mobile app they are definitely going to be reminded of your brand every time they look through their mobile apps on their devices.
- Mobile apps are just easier to use on a mobile than websites
- Mobile app can gather user data more effectively than a website would. Many apps track location for example which could allow your business to learn more about your customer and their habits and interests.
- Mobile apps can send notifications to the user and they will be seen! No email marketing or social media campaign can achieve a close to 100% message visibility rate like mobile apps can. Whenever your mobile shows a notification to the user on their mobile, they are forced to read it before they can dismiss it.
When talking Mobile Marketing strategies that are further on from Google Places, Maps and review programs. A great Marketing ROI is Mobile Apps Development with targeted campaigns to your target market. The difference between a Mobile site and mobile app development, is the mobile app can use some very important specialised features available on mobile devices.That no mobile site can offer. Both a mobile site and mobile app has its place in any given Mobile Marketing strategy.
What a Mobile App Development can do for you. A few examples…
- MARKETING THAT WORKS: On average 3% of user open emails 97% view instant mobile notifications.
- YOUR MESSAGE IS HEARD EACH TIME: Most Email are not read when the user receive them as they might not be in front of to their computer. Mobiles are with us at all times. Instant notification make the mobile vibrate and send an audible message to the user, making the message difficult to ignore. Perfect to put in the hands of very targeted market.
- EASY, FAST INFORMATION: Website can be messy to navigate and can take a visitor a lot of time to get the information he/she wants. Mobile Apps are build to give the user what they want on the spot and on the go.
- LOYALTY PROGRAMS: Mobiles Apps are highly interactive, allowing the user to access discount offers if they are in the GPS proximity of a location or scan a discount code/coupon at your business premises.
- EASY CONNECTIVITY: At the touch of a button they can contact you with the App.
- VIRAL MARKETING: At the touch of a button they can let their friends where they are and what they are enjoying.
- LIVE MARKETING ANALYTICS: See what works and what works better, straight away from the comfort of your mobile.
The list goes on and on.
Getting Started
Make sure you are clear on the purpose and functionality before you get stared with your mobile app development. In Melbourne we are a leading agency for affordable mobile app development and can provide you with a free quote to get started.To book a free consult with us give us a call at 03 86091078 or fill the enquiry form!